Death Penalty News: July 2007

1.) Execution rate falls in 2006 as pressure grows for a universal moratorium; 2.) Rwanda abolishes the death penalty; 3.) Stop press: Abolitionist and retentionist countries as of 1 October 2007; 4.) Kyrgyzstan abolishes death penalty in law; 5.) Kazakhstan reduces scope of death penalty; 6.) New legislative measures in Uzbekistan; 7.) France bans death penalty in constitution; 8.) Saudi Arabia executes child offender; 9.) Two child offenders executed in Iran; 10.) International outcry forces stay of execution for child offender in Yemen; 11.) Man stoned in Iran for adultery; 12.) More executions in Japan; 13.) Libya releases foreign medical workers; 14.) USA – 124th wrongful capital conviction; 15.) Supreme Court tightens standard on ‘competence’ for executions in USA; 16.) USA – Stay of execution in Georgia; 17.) USA records lowest number of executions in ten years; 18.) Innocents posthumously acquitted in South Korea; 19.) Some progress on reducing death penalty in China; 20.) Resolution on death penalty to be introduced at UN General Assembly; 21.) UN urges Iran to stop executing children; 22.) News in brief; 23.) International treaties; 24.) World Congress meets in Paris

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