Statements to the 50th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva, 31 January to 11 March 1994)

AI made five oral statments to the 50th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights. Under Agenda Item 10 (human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention) AI underlined the importance of the UN’s thematic mechanisms, particularly valuable in that they allow for investigation and discussion of violations in countries such as China, Peru, Sri Lanka and Zaire. AI also supported the need for more action on violations against women, including the appointment of a Special Rapporteur. AI focused on human rights and mass exodus under agenda item 11, pointing out that many governments are pursuing measure to restrict access of asylum-seekers. AI voiced its concerns about human rights in internal armed conflicts under agenda item 12. Concerns in the Israeli-Occupied Territories were described under item 4 and in South Africa under item 5.

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