Fair Trial Manual – Second Edition

Fair Trial Manual – Second Edition

The Amnesty International Fair Trial Manual is a practical and authoritative guide to international and regional standards for fair trial. These standards set out minimum guarantees designed to protect the right to a fair trial in criminal proceedings. The Manual explains how fair trial rights have been interpreted by human rights bodies and by international courts. It covers rights before and during trial, and during appeals. It also covers special cases, including death penalty trials, cases brought against children, and fair trial rights during armed conflict. This is the second, updated and revised, edition of the Manual and is available in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Other language versions are in development. The first edition, published in 1998, is available here [https://www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/POL30/002/1998/en] in six languages.

“When I found the Fair Trial Manual, I felt like I had struck gold. It explains the multitude of legal standards in a comprehensive, straightforward and accessible way.” – Dr. Vivienne O’Connor, US Institute of Peace

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