“ကျည်ဆံမိုးတို့ သွန်း􀆱ဖိုးရွာ”: ြမန်မာ􀇳ိုင်ငံအေ􀇹ှ􀋺ပိုင်းမှ စစ်ရာဇဝတ်မ􀋪များ􀇳ှင့် ေနရပ်စွန့်ခွာထွက်ေြပးရမ􀋪များ

Following the military coup in February 2021, armed conflict reignited in eastern Myanmar’s Kayin and Kayah States. In its operations, the military has inflicted collective punishment on civilians, forcibly displacing more than 150,000 people. It has relentlessly attacked villages with shelling and air strikes, killing and injuring civilians and damaging homes, schools, hospitals, and religious buildings. Soldiers have unlawfully detained, tortured, and extrajudicially executed people who tried to return home. And the military has burned villages and pillaged everything of value that displaced families had to leave behind.

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