1) Hmong refugees facing removal from Thailand 2) Sexual violence ignored in Côte d’Ivoire 3) AI at work on the world stage: World Economic Forum; World Social Forum; AI urges states to ratify Convention against Enforced Disappearance; News in Brief: Iran; Chile 4) Worldwide Appeals: China: Unfair trial; USA: Cuban wives denied visiting visas; Zimbabwe: Women’s group suffer frequent arrests; Iran: Child offender at risk of execution 5) Death penalty news update: Death penalty experts meet in Paris; Former death row inmate describes ordeal to AI; News in Brief: Asia Pacific launches a regional anti-death penalty network; Executions continue in Japan; Four executed in Saudi Arabia 6) Stop Violence Against Women: Women worldwide still vulnerable to rape; Women sign up for equal rights in Iran; Protect the women and girls of Darfur now!; Global vigil action; Chocolate chain supports women in Belarus