You’ve hung from the ceiling for hours.
Your muscles scream. Electric shocks convulse your body. Water forced into your mouth. You think you’re drowning. Rape. Mock executions. Whatever it takes to break you. To make you submit. To sign a confession, or hand over information. You’re hidden away from the world’s gaze.
You think you are forgotten, you think you are alone.

We are building a powerful barrier between the torturer and the tortured.
How? By insisting that lawyers are present during interrogations. That doctors are on hand to examine detainees. That confessions obtained by torture can’t be used as evidence in courts. That detainees are allowed to see their families. And by insisting that anyone who is involved in torture is brought to justice.
We are positioning ourselves inside the very systems that are failing to protect people.
I used to be afraid and thought about not speaking out. But I’m not willing to accept this.
Claudia Medina, torture survivor in Mexico

Start here, start now, stop torture
In countries such as the Philippines and Mexico, torture is widespread and routine in police stations. In Morocco-Western Sahara and Uzbekistan, the courts often rely on confessions people have made while being tortured. And in Nigeria, beatings and mock executions are just some of the treatments people face in detention.
We can’t stop torture alone. We need you to join us, and stand between the torturers and the tortured too.
The pain of torture is unbearable. I never thought I would be alive till this day.
Arrested when he was 16 years old, Moses Akatugba is on death row in Nigeria. He confessed to stealing after being tortured.