500 Days of Impunity: Demand Justice for Thulani Maseko 

4 June 2024 will mark 500 days since the brutal killing of Thulani Maseko

One Voice, One Demand: International Solidarity for Thulani Maseko 

Thulani Maseko was as a father, husband and a stalwart of human rights, who at great risk to himself, spoke up for many who couldn’t speak up for themselves.  

On 21 January 2023, Thulani was shot dead by unknown gunmen at close range in front of his wife, Tanele, in his home in Eswatini. Despite regional and international calls for an independent and impartial investigation into the unlawful killing of Thulani Maseko, Thulani’s family and community remain far from attaining justice for him.  

4 June 2024 will mark 500 days since the brutal killing of Thulani Maseko. 

signing and delivering the #500 days postcard to your Ministers of Foreign Relations and Eswatini High Commissions, demanding justice for Thulani Maseko. 



by signing and delivering the #500 days postcard to your Ministers of Foreign Relations and Eswatini High Commissions, demanding justice for Thulani Maseko. 


Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) is Africa’s last absolute monarchy. It has been ruled by King Mswati III since 1986, together with his mother Queen Mother Ntombi (who is seen as the spiritual head, Mswati is the administrative head). Eswatini’s monarchy is strongly opposed to political reform and activism.  

Repressive laws and excessive state violence have long been used to silence peaceful protest in the Kingdom of Eswatini. Protesters, dissenters, journalists, and human rights defenders and people who are critical of the monarchy have been and continue to be subjected to arbitrary detention, torture and other ill-treatment, and criminal prosecution, particularly because of the protests for democratic reforms sparked in 2021.  

Thulani chaired the Multi-Stakeholders Forum, a coalition of political parties and civil society groups formed in August 2021 to call for democratic reform in the country. 

Thulani Maseko was a brave human rights defender, lawyer and prominent activist in Eswatini who used his voice to speak out against human rights violations and the oppression of the people of Eswatini until his death in January 2023.   


#500days Week of Action campaign , begining on June 4 and concluding on 7 June 2024, marks a significant milestone since the killing of Thulani Maseko. Its primary goal is to rally activists worldwide, urging them to mobilize and engage with Ministers of Foreign Relations/Policy in their respective nations and Eswatini High Commissions 

The objective of this campaign is to demand decisive action and accountability regarding the stagnant investigation into the brutal killing of Thulani Maseko. 

We encourage you to sign and deliver postcard to your Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Relations and to send copies to your ambassadors in the Kingdom of Eswatini.  

The expected outcome is heightened and coordinated pressure among foreign governments through their diplomatic missions in Eswatini officials to prioritize the issue in their engagement with the Eswatini government.  

Take action for Thulani Maseko

Eswatini authorities must ensure that the killing of Thulani Maseko is promptly investigated in an effective, thorough, impartial & transparent manner, completely independent of government.