Venezuela: Ban on protests lays groundwork for mass human rights violations

The security plan announced ahead of the elections for the Constituent Assembly in Venezuela this Sunday is laying the groundwork for a new wave of mass human rights violations, said Amnesty International. 

“Venezuela’s ban on protests will do nothing but worsen an already incredibly volatile situation,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas Director at Amnesty International. 

“Instead of trying to silence the increasing popular anger, authorities must find workable solutions to people’s very reasonable demands. Continuing to punish dissenting voices will only sink the country into an even deeper crisis.” 

Venezuela's ban on protests will do nothing but worsen an already incredibly volatile situation

Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas Director at Amnesty International

The Venezuelan government’s security plan also includes provisions – such as the deployment of military personnel and experts to deal with electoral and military crimes – which are likely to facilitate a new wave of human rights violations. 

Since protests began on 4 April, more than 100 people have been killed and more than 1,400 injured, according to official sources. 

The Venezuelan authorities have called for elections for the National Constituent Assembly, which will take place on 30 July. The Assembly will have the power to re write the country’s constitution.

Some Venezuelan citizens have reported being threatened and intimidated into participating in the elections.