Anti-war Protest in Russia

People in Russia are not able to protest peacefully without fear of reprisals. A week into its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia introduced war censorship laws to make criticism the invasion a grave offence. Two years on, many people are serving lengthy prison sentences for peaceful anti-war dissent.

Russia’s war censorship laws, introduced in March 2022, criminalized criticism of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and of war crimes committed by Russian forces, as “fakes” and “discreditation” of the Russian Armed Forces (Articles 207.3 and 280.3 of the Criminal Code), carrying a maximum sentence of 15 years’ imprisonment.

The laws led to an exodus of independent media and activists from Russia and a crackdown on any form of anti-war dissent. Even calling the war “a war” instead of a “special military operation” is considered a crime.

Two years after the adoption of the war censorship laws, people in Russia continue to protest against the war in Ukraine. However, the Russian authorities are determined to shut them down completely. In 2023 the number and length of prison sentences for anti-war posts on social media increased. In 2024, a new law was introduced to allow confiscation of the property of people who were charged under the war censorship laws.

Russia must repeal these repressive laws and immediately release all those imprisoned for raising their voices against the war of aggression. Help us protect the protest.

43 Journalists
Faced criminal prosecution for their
anti-war stance
65 Months
Average prison sentence for anti-war posts
Of sentences for spreading “fakes” have been handed down in Moscow and St Petersburg

Russia’s War CensorSHIP Laws Must go

We must act in solidarity with people in Russia who dare to protest its war against Ukraine.