Police Violence


Police have a duty to prevent and detect crime, maintain law and order, and protect human rights – yet all too often, they misuse their powers. From the killing of George Floyd in the United States to the extrajudicial executions of Afro-Brazilians in Brazil’s favelas and the repression of protesters in Bangladesh and Hong Kong, unlawful use of force by police has led to devastating consequences.

Sometimes police kill or seriously injure people during arrests. In countless other cases, police officers are quick to use unlawful force, excessive surveillance and arbitrary arrests and detention to suppress peaceful protests. These actions are sometimes fuelled by racism and other forms of discrimination. The reckless use of less lethal law enforcement weapons such as tear gas, rubber bullets, batons and stun grenades, can lead to life-changing injuries and lasting trauma.

At its worst, unlawful use of force by police can result in people being deprived of their right to life or subjected to torture or other ill-treatment. Despite the gravity of these human rights violations, the officers who perpetrate these abuses are rarely held accountable.

Amnesty International documents the use of unlawful force by police worldwide as part of its Protect the Protest campaign. We are also campaigning for a treaty to regulate the trade in tools of torture used by police against protesters. Amnesty has also developed an online course to raise awareness about what police are and aren’t allowed, and why accountability for unlawful police action is critical.

Russian riot police officers block a street during a rally in support of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, in central Saint-Petersburg on April 21, 2021.

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What are the rules of policing?

When exercising their powers police must comply with their states’ obligations under international law to respect, protect and fulfil human rights, such as the right to life, liberty and security of person, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and the freedom of expression. But many of these rights are being violated through police use of unlawful force and other unlawful conduct, which might include beatings, racial abuse and reckless use of less lethal weapons, as well as unlawful killings and torture.

Legality, necessity and proportionality are crucial principles in policing. How and when police officers may use force are outlined international laws and standards that govern policing. In addition, the principles of precaution, non-discrimination and accountability also govern the exercise of police powers, in particular the use of force.

Istanbul police break up a regular demonstration by Turkish mothers remembering the disappearance of relatives in the 1980s and 1990s, detaining dozens.

What laws and practices exist to govern police practices?

Clear human rights standards on policing are contained in the following key documents:

  • The United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials is a key international instrument or set of guidelines that deals with police use of force. It requires police officers to, as far as possible, apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force and firearms. It further states that police officers may only use lethal force when strictly necessary to protect themselves or others from the imminent threat of death or serious injury, and only as a last resort, when other options for de-escalation and less harmful means of force are insufficient.
  • The UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials outlines the responsibilities of law enforcement officials to not only uphold the law, but also to respect and protect human rights in their duties. It further states that they may use force only when strictly necessary and to the extent required for the performance of their duty.

Based on these two legal documents Amnesty International has developed its Amnesty International Use of Force – Guidelines for Implementation of the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by law enforcement officials. They draw on national laws, regulations and training documents from 58 countries to provide recommendations intended to help governments to implement the UN Basic Principles and ensure effective, human rights-compliant policing.

The UN Guidance on Less-Lethal Weapons in Law Enforcement sets out guidance on the lawful and responsible design, production, transfer, procurement, testing, training, deployment and use of less lethal weapons. These include police batons, tear gas, water cannon and Tasers – weapons that are sold as an alternative to the kind of conventional weapons, such as firearms, that immediately kill.

Payu Boonsophon is a 29-year-old environmental activist who was shot in his right eye by a police officer. One of the rubber bullets penetrated Payu’s eyeball blinding him.

When is force unlawful?

Police must be guided by the principles of legality, necessity, proportionality and non-discrimination at all times. Any use of force that does not comply with these principles is unlawful.

The principle of legality provides that the use of force must be resorted to in compliance with domestic legislation and only for a legitimate law enforcement purpose as established in law.

Necessity means using force only when strictly necessary, and only to the extent required to achieve a legitimate objective. Police officials must, as far as possible, attempt to use non-violent means first. Verbal commands, negotiation, warnings, or simply keeping a safe distance – are all ways to achieve an objective without resorting to the use of force. And when they need to resort to force they must use the least harmful mean still likely to be effective. The use of force must stop as soon as they have achieved their objective or when it becomes clear that the objective cannot be achieved anymore.

Proportionality means that there should be a balance between the type and level of force used and the harm that it can cause to an individual taking into account the threat posed by the individual. The harm caused by the use of force may never outweigh the damage it seeks to prevent.

When resorting to the use of force, police must respect and protect the human rights of every person without discrimination, and they must never use force against individuals out of prejudice or with direct or indirect discriminatory intent.

Force used by police in an arbitrary or abusive manner that isn’t aimed at achieving a legitimate objective but is instead intended to punish, torture or abuse, or that is otherwise unnecessary or excessive, is therefore unlawful.

Protesters run from teargas during a protest in Dakar on March 8, 2021, after the country’s opposition leader Ousmane Sonko was charged with rape.

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Use of less lethal weapons

From Argentina to Zimbabwe, police routinely use unnecessary and excessive force to repress peaceful demonstrations. This is often achieved through the misuse of less lethal weapons, such as kinetic impact projectiles, tear gas, stun grenades and batons.

An Amnesty International report, based on research in over 30 countries, documented how thousands of protesters and bystanders have been maimed and dozens killed by the often reckless and disproportionate use of kinetic impact projectiles at close range. Horrific injuries caused by these weapons include eye loss, gruesome burns, skull fractures, broken ribs and punctured lungs.

A protester kicks a tear gas grenade back at anti-riot police officers during a rally in Nantes, western France.

Case Study: Leidy Cadena in Colombia

At the age of 22, Leidy Cadena’s life changed forever when she was hit by a rubber bullet during protests in central Bogotá, Colombia, on 28 April 2021. The political science student had taken to the streets with hundreds of others to protest against the government’s handling of the economic crisis and to demand change in the country.

“While we were peacefully demonstrating, singing and chanting, the police started firing tear gas and people started running,” Leidy recalled. As she and her friends tried to make their way home, a police squad blocked their way. An officer shot a rubber bullet at Leidy, hitting her at close range. As a result, she lost her right eye in the attack.

Leidy later filed a complaint with the police and was interviewed about what happened at least 10 times. Her case became emblematic across Colombia as a horrific example of the excessive use of force by police during the National Strike and the lasting harm caused by less lethal law enforcement weapons. Threats received after she denounced the attack forced her to leave the country.

“Placing these weapons in the hands of abusive security forces puts people at risk of being tortured and maimed – like I was,” she said.

Discrimination and policing

Amnesty’s research shows that human rights violations by the police could happen to anyone – petty criminals, protesters, student activists, and people who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, it is most often poor and marginalized people who get killed, beaten, raped, humiliated or otherwise abused by police.

In the USA, racist policing has led to the shocking deaths of George Floyd, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner and many other unarmed Black people. The increasing use of facial recognition systems puts Black people at further risk of false arrest and unlawful use of force.

In Mexico, women arrested by police in the “war on drugs” have been subjected to rape, sexual assault and other forms of torture, such as electric shocks to the genitals, as a means of getting them to “confess” to serious crimes. In the Philippines, poor and destitute people suspected of using or selling drugs have been shot by police as they begged for mercy.

LGBTI people around the world are subjected to routine harassment and abuse by police. In 2017, for example, authorities in the Russian republic of Chechnya unleashed a wave of attacks on people believed to be gay or lesbian. Dozens of gay men in Chechnya were abducted and tortured by the police. Many were killed at secret detention sites.

A protester holds up her hands with a slogan written on them during a demonstration against police brutality in Charlotte, North Carolina, on September 21, 2016.

Case Study: Jina Mahsa Amini

A protester holds a portrait of Mahsa Amini during a demonstration in support of Amini, a young Iranian woman who died after being arrested in Tehran by the Islamic Republic’s morality police.

In a brutal example of discrimination by police, Jina Mahsa Amini was stopped by Iran’s “morality” police (gasht-e ershad) during a visit to Tehran with her brother in September 2022. Known for routinely harassing and arbitrarily detaining women who do not comply with the country’s abusive and discriminatory compulsory veiling laws, gasht-e ershad violently arrested her.  

Eyewitnesses said that police pushed her into a van and beat her, taking her to Vozara detention centre in Tehran. Her brother was also beaten when he protested. He later said in a media interview that police told Jina Mahsa Amini she would undergo an “educational” class at Vozara aimed at “reforming” women and girls who violate the country’s Islamic dress code.

According to credible reports, the “morality” police subjected Jina Mahsa Amini to torture and other ill-treatment inside the police van, including beating her around the head. She fell into a coma and was transferred to hospital where she remained in the custody of law enforcement officials, and where she died three days later, on 16 September 2022. 

She was only 22.

Her death sparked global outrage and led to the Woman Life Freedom uprising in Iran against decades of widespread repression and gender-based discrimination.

Unlawful force during arrests and detention

Amnesty International has long documented evidence of police using unlawful force during arrests. Individuals can be beaten with fists, clubbed with batons or kicked in the face, even when they show no resistance and pose no risk to the police. Electric shock weapons are frequently used in such in context, including when the person does not present any threat to anyone, and often in a repeated and prolonged manner with the highly abusive “stun mode” (applying the weapon in direct contact mode to the body) that should be prohibited altogether.

Unlawful force can continue in detention, inside police lock ups, interrogation rooms and prisons. In many instances, torture and ill-treatment are meted out by officers as “punishment” for talking back, appearing uncooperative or to a coerce a confession.

During the Woman Life Freedom uprising in Iran in 2022, security forces, which include the police and Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, committed widespread torture and other ill-treatment against protesters and bystanders. This included the harrowing use of rape, including gang rape, and other forms of sexual violence against detained protesters.

Activist and poet Artyom Kamardin was detained in Russia in September 2022 for participating in a public poety reading against Russia’s war in Ukraine. While in detention, he was tortured. He was diagnosed with concussion, multiple bruises and other injuries, according to his lawyer. The authorities refused to hospitalize him.

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In this self-paced course, you’ll learn about the international human rights laws and standards that relate to policing.

Policing protests

Around the world, we are witnessing the increasing militarization of the police and the misuse of force by police to suppress protests. In many places, the police are responding to protests with armoured vehicles, military-grade aircraft, surveillance drones, guns and assault weapons, and stun grenades.

States have an obligation to ensure that everyone can enjoy the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, including through protests. They have an obligation to respect, protect and facilitate peaceful protests.

There are clear international human rights standards for police conduct during protests which Amnesty International has summarized in its Guidelines on the Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly:

  • It is the role of police to facilitate peaceful protests. A certain degree of tolerance, including of unlawful behaviour, may be required to avoid unnecessary escalation and ensure the effective protection of human rights. If tensions arise, law enforcement officials have the duty to de-escalate them and actively protect protesters and others from violence.
  • If some protestors engage in violent actions, this does not turn the otherwise peaceful protest into a non-peaceful assembly. Police should ensure those who remain peaceful can continue protesting.
  • Acts of violence by a small minority do not justify indiscriminate use of force.
  • If the use of force is unavoidable, police must use the minimum force necessary to achieve a legitimate objective.
  • The decision to disperse a protest must be a last resort – and it may only be carried out when there is a pressing need and when all other less restrictive means have proven to be unsuccessful. Dispersal does not automatically justify the use of force and protesters must be given the opportunity to leave voluntarily. Before the use of any less lethal weapons, protesters must be warned and given the opportunity to follow the dispersal order.
  • Tear gas or water cannons have wide-area effect and may only be used in response to widespread violence and where more targeted means have failed or are clearly insufficient to contain the violence. An audible warning must be issued prior to their deployment, and protesters given adequate time to disperse voluntarily. Tear gas must not be used in enclosed spaces, from above or in excessive amounts, and must never be fired directly at protesters.  Similarly, police must not use water cannons in high-pressure mode to target people at close range or aim directly at their heads or faces. Water cannons may never be used or aimed at individuals who are restrained or unable to move.
  • Kinetic impact projectiles, such as rubber and plastic bullets, may only be used when necessary to prevent violence against persons and only in a carefully targeted manner against individuals engaged in such violence. They should never be fired randomly at a crowd.
  • Firearms are not suitable for crowd control and should never be used to disperse a protest. Even if some protesters are violent, the police may only use a firearm as a last resort to stop an imminent threat to life or serious injury.


Amnesty International has documented in many countries how police officers who unlawfully kill or injure people often get away with it. Sometimes there is no investigation, or police threaten the judiciary, witnesses or survivors and pressure them to drop charges. In other cases, laws give police immunity. This creates a climate of impunity in which police can commit such acts without any fear of negative consequences.

All allegations of human rights violations by the police must be investigated and those suspected to be responsible must be brought to justice. Accountability is essential to ensure lawful and human rights-compliant policing.

Georgian riot police spray tear gas towards a protester as they form a cordon during clashes with protesters near the Georgian parliament in Tbilisi on March 7, 2023.
A man stands his ground while the National Gendarmerie advances down the street next to the National Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

What is Amnesty International doing to help?

Amnesty International documents cases of unlawful use of force by police worldwide. This could be through the misuse of ‘standard police equipment’, such as rubber bullets and police batons, which puts people at unnecessary risk of harm. Amnesty International is campaigning for a ban on the production of and trade in abusive tools that are designed to torture, such as direct contact electric shock devices and spiked batons, or law enforcement equipment that could be used for legitimate purposes but are often used to commit torture and other ill-treatment.

In our flagship Protect the Protest campaign, we are working to expose when the right to protest is being violated through police use of unlawful force. We have designed an online course to raise further awareness about human rights when it comes to policing.

While attending a peaceful protest for indigenous people’s rights, Argentinian ceramicist Joel Paredes was blinded in his right eye after being shot in the eye by police. Joel’s case was featured in Amnesty International’s annual Write for Rights campaign in 2024.

Take our free online course on policing and human rights

In this self-paced course, you’ll learn about the international human rights laws and standards that relate to policing.