Rwanda: Further information on imminent executions.

Silas Munyagishali, Froduald Karamira, Virginie Mukankusi, Elie Nshimiyimana, Anastase Mvunabandi, Pian Ndahayo, Frédéric Nturoziraga, Methusalem Bakizande, Gabriel Wacaseme, William Libanje, Maximilien Habimana, Egide Gatanazi, Déogratias Bizimana, Ignace Nsengiyumva, Faustin Niyonzima, Augustin Ngendahayo, Vénuste Niyonzima, Jean Habimana, François Bizumutima, Augustin Karekezi, Abdou Nsengiyumva, François Kanyabugande .On 24 April 1998, these 22 people were executed in public in the first executions of people found guilty of participation in the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. There are indications that further executions can be expected in the very near future.

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